Claim My Offline Purchase Rewards

If you made a purchase from one of our UWeX Shops in-store, you can also claim your UWeX Rewards to help yourself save more.

Do not have a UWeX account? Sign up now.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your UWeX Account Name or Email (required)

    (Do not have a UWeX account? Sign up now.

    Subject: Claim My Offline Purchase UWeX Rewards

    Upload the photocopy/photo(s) of your purchase invoice(s) or receipt(s) here. Please make sure the name of seller, the invoice or reciept numbers, and total purchase amount, are clear enough to be viewed in your file(s). Allowed file types include *.pdf, *.gif, *.png, *.jpg, and *.jpeg. Maximum file size is 1MB.

    Anything else you want us to know about this deal?

    Please give us 3-5 business days to credit the rewards to your account. Thanks.